Here are 16 virtual minute to win it games for your virtual meetings.

Bring some excitement and laughter to your remote team meetings with Virtual Minute to Win It games. These quick and engaging games are perfect for adding a fun element to your virtual gatherings, requiring minimal supplies and preparation. Here are some inventive and enjoyable games to include in your next virtual team event to enhance camaraderie and lighten the atmosphere.

Click Here to see our library a virtual games for remote teams.

1. Office Chair Spin:

Supplies Needed: Wheeled office chair

How to Play: Participants, sitting cross-legged in an office chair, must make as many spins as possible using only their hands. The one with the most spins at the end of the minute wins.

Balancing Act:

Supplies Needed: Books

How to Play: Players must balance a book on their heads for sixty seconds, with additional tasks to increase difficulty. Those who don’t drop the books earn points.

2. Cup Flip Fun:

Supplies Needed: Plastic cup

How to Play: Participants place a cup rim facing up and must flip it upside-down by tapping it. Points are awarded for each successful flip within the minute.

3. Word Wizard:

Supplies Needed: None

How to Play: In this game, a participant types two words starting with the same letter in the chat. Players then have sixty seconds to list words that come alphabetically between those two words. Points can be awarded per word or per syllable.

4. Fun Frenzy Event:

This event features a series of exhilarating “minute to win it” style challenges, including trivia and rapid-fire Bingo, aimed at maximizing engagement, participation, and enjoyment.

5. Chopstick Typing Challenge:

Supplies Needed: Chopsticks, computer keyboard

How to Play: Players use chopsticks to type out a displayed paragraph within sixty seconds. The participant with the most words and the fewest errors wins the round.

6. Whiteboard War:

Supplies Needed: Digital whiteboard

How to Play: Participants draw within assigned rectangles on a shared digital whiteboard, trying to cover as much space as possible while other teams can erase their drawings. The team covering the most space at the end of the minute wins.

7. Shake the Box:

Supplies Needed: Empty tissue box, pantyhose, tape, ping pong balls

How to Play: Players shake a box filled with ping pong balls attached to their lower back to empty it. The one who empties it first or has the most balls out when the time is up wins.

8. Charade Parade:

Supplies Needed: None

How to Play: Each player acts out a given term simultaneously, and participants guess the terms. Points are awarded for each correct answer.

9. Upside Down Challenge:

Supplies Needed: Various items

How to Play: Participants turn as many objects upside down as possible within view of the screen. The one with the most items upside down at the end of the minute wins.

10. Counting Challenge:

Supplies Needed: None

How to Play: Teams in breakout rooms must count to the highest number possible, with only one teammate counting at a time and not in succession. The team with the highest number at the end wins.

11. Card Ninja:

Supplies Needed: Playing cards, semi-soft object

How to Play: Players throw playing cards at an object, trying to get them to stick. Points are awarded for every card that sticks.

12. Tower Building Battle:

Supplies Needed: Stackable objects, ruler or tape measure

How to Play: Participants build the tallest freestanding tower within a minute and measure its height to determine the winner.

13. Sticky Note Swap:

Supplies Needed: Sticky notes in two colors

How to Play: Participants use their mouths to swap the positions of sticky notes. The one with the most notes moved at the end of sixty seconds wins.

14. Alphabetical Typing Race:

Supplies Needed: Keyboard

How to Play: Players are assigned a letter and must make as many words as possible in the chat, typing one letter at a time. Correctly spelled words in the correct order earn points.

15. Doodle Challenge:

Supplies Needed: Pen and paper

How to Play: Participants draw a given object with the paper on their heads. The group votes on the best picture, and the winner earns points.

16. Pyramid Stack Relay

Supplies Needed: Plastic Cups

How to Play: Each team will select a player to start. Teams must building a pyramid stack and break it down. You must use one hand. When one player finishes, the next player does the same until you reach your last player. This is a race to the finish instead of it being within a minute.